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Liu said that the majority of the imported products seized by the Food and Drug Administration at customs offices for being counterfeits or信貸試算花旗 failing to meet safety standards origina身上沒錢怎麼辦t永豐信貸ed in China.
Lin said the Cabinet would at the earliest opportunity review existing procedures, including those for dealing with fake drugs; tracking the production and distribution of medicines; quality control regulations; hospital inventory inspections; the mechanism for reporting fake drugs; and methods for their disposal.信貸試算表excel
勞工貸款率利2017土地銀行中國信託信貸照會A recall was issued on Tuesday for all of AstraZeneca’s Crestor tablets following a discovery last week that two batches of the drug pre信用貸款好嗎scribed to 570,000 National Health Insurance patients were counterfeits made from atorvastatin, a cheaper drug whose patent had expired.
INVESTIGATION: Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung said authorities are trying to identify those involved in the production and distribution of the counterfeits
The government must protect the public’s access to safe medicines that are essential for public health, uphold the nation’s reputation for ef代辦信貸公司f民間貸款利率ective regulation of medical products and restore public confidence in the花旗信用卡預借現金 government, he added.
The government has requested the assistance of the pharmaceutical sector in recalling and replacing the affected products, he added.
The pr銀行借款條件imary suspect involved in counterfeiting the drug has been原住民結婚貸款 apprehended, Lin said, acknowledging the efforts of police, prosecutors and the ministry to hold the suspect accountable.
By Wu Liang-yi, Lee Hsin-fang and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporters, with staff writ整合債務銀行er
Separately yesterday, Premier Lin Chuan (林全) pledged to comp卡債處理rehensively overhaul the nation’s drug safety standards dur急需現金周轉ing a meeting he chaired at the Executive Yuan.
“This incident is a test for our entire medical safety system and especially for the ministry’s agencies responsibl桃園代書借款e軍人貸款買車 for protecting the nation’s drug safety, as it will show whether their work has won the public’s trust,” Lin said. “We must use this opportunity to completely re-evaluate our performance.”
Following Liu’s questions, Chen said that the fake drugs’ ingredients were mailed from China to Taiwan, but the identity of many individuals involved in their production and distr花旗預借現金ibution remained unknown to authori小額借款桃園ties.青創貸款資格
The Ministry of Health and Welfare did not release a桃園小額借貸n台中快速借錢y申辦土地貸款銀行 information regarding the quantity, distribution or origin of the fake drugs until yesterday, when Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Liu Chien-kuo (劉建國) grilled Chen on the issue during a legislative session.
The ministry must ensure the complete recovery and destruction of the fake drugs, and it 銀行信貸利率比較2017m土地借貸條件ust make information available to avoid an unnecessary panic, Lin said, adding that an inspection of all commonly prescribed and high-value pharmaceuticals would begin immediately.
勞保局勞工貸款率利2017Counterfeit batches of Crestor brand lipid-lowering drugs contained ingredients from Chinese pharmaceutical producers, Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said yesterday after being subjected to債務整合協商 a barrage of questions from a lawmaker.
The ministry is considering sending investiga渣打銀行貸款條件各家銀行房貸利息tors to China, Chen said, adding that judicial authorities have taken charge of the investigation.
新聞來源:信貸ptt代書貸款好嗎>TAIPEI TIMES
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